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Check if your job will be replaced by the AI

A simple test to help you assess your risk

How good are you at following instructions?


How creative are you?



How good are you at dealing with unexpected situations?


How much do you enjoy working with people?

team work


How often do you make mistakes?


The AI Job Replacement Test
The AI-Proof Worker

The adaptable job

You are the AI-Proof Worker! You are so creative, intelligent, and adaptable that you are virtually impossible to replace. You are the type of person who is always coming up with new ideas, and you are always willing to learn new things. You are also a great problem solver, and you are able to think on your feet. You are a valuable asset to any company, and you are unlikely to be replaced by AI anytime soon.
The AI-Resilient Worker

The Safe Job

You are the AI-Resilient Worker! You are a hard worker who is good at following instructions. You are also able to learn new things quickly, and you are willing to adapt to change. You are not the most creative person, but you are reliable and efficient. You are likely to be able to keep your job for a while, even if AI becomes more sophisticated.
The AI-Adaptable Worker

The creative job

You are the AI-Adaptable Worker! You are a good communicator and you are able to work well with others. You are also able to think critically and solve problems. You are not the most creative person, but you are smart and resourceful. You are likely to be able to find a new job if AI replaces your current one.
The AI-Vulnerable Worker

The job less

You are the AI-Vulnerable Worker! You are not very creative, and you are not very good at following instructions. You are also not very good at dealing with unexpected situations. You are likely to be one of the first people to be replaced by AI.
The AI-Replacement Candidate

The boring job

You are the AI-Replacement Candidate! You are not very creative, and you are not very good at following instructions. You are also not very good at dealing with unexpected situations. You are not the most intelligent person, and you are not very adaptable. You are the most likely person to be replaced by AI.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world of work. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it is becoming capable of automating more and more tasks. This has led to concerns that AI could lead to widespread job losses.

But are these concerns justified? Is your job at risk of being replaced by AI?

Is Your Job in Danger of Being Automated?

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to concerns that many jobs will be automated in the near future. While it is impossible to say for sure which jobs will be affected, there are some general trends that can help us to assess the risk.

What Jobs Are Most Likely to Be Automated?

Jobs that are most likely to be automated are those that are repetitive, rule-based, and require little creativity or social interaction. Some examples of these jobs include:

  • Data entry
  • Customer service
  • Manufacturing
  • Truck driving
  • Retail cashiering

These jobs are all well-suited for automation because they can be easily programmed to follow a set of rules. AI systems can already perform many of these tasks more efficiently than humans, and it is likely that they will continue to improve in the years to come.

What Jobs Are Least Likely to Be Automated?

Jobs that are least likely to be automated are those that require creativity, social interaction, or problem-solving skills. Some examples of these jobs include:

  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Creative arts

These jobs are more difficult to automate because they require human judgment and flexibility. AI systems are still not able to replicate these skills as well as humans can.

How Can You Assess Your Own Job Risk?

If you are concerned about your job being automated, there are a few things you can do to assess your risk. First, consider the type of work you do. If your job is repetitive, rule-based, and requires little creativity or social interaction, then you are more likely to be at risk.

Second, consider the skills you have. If you have skills that are difficult to automate, such as creativity, social interaction, or problem-solving, then you are less likely to be at risk.

Finally, consider the industry you work in. Some industries, such as manufacturing and retail, are more likely to be automated than others.

What Can You Do to Protect Your Job?

If you are concerned that your job is at risk, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. First, you can focus on developing skills that are difficult to automate. This could include skills such as creativity, social interaction, or problem-solving.

Second, you can stay up-to-date on the latest technological trends. This will help you to understand how AI is likely to affect your job and how you can adapt.

Finally, you can network with people in your field. This will help you to stay informed about job opportunities and to build relationships that could help you to find a new job if your current one is automated.

To help you answer this question, we have created the AI Job Replacement Test. This test is designed to be fun and humorous, but it is also based on real data about the types of jobs that are most likely to be automated.

To take the test, simply answer the following five questions:

  1. How often do you make mistakes?
  2. How good are you at following instructions?
  3. How creative are you?
  4. How good are you at dealing with unexpected situations?
  5. How much do you enjoy working with people?

Once you answer the questions, find out if your job can be replaced by AI

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